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植物がCO2を30%多く吸収:新たな研究結果が ⽰す気候予測の変化(アメリカ‧気候変動)
🌱New Study Reveals Plants Absorb 30% More CO2 Than Previously Estimated
A groundbreaking large-scale study has revealed that plants absorb 30% more CO2 than previously estimated, potentially reshaping climate prediction models. Traditionally, the global gross primary production (GPP) of plants—CO2 absorption through photosynthesis—was estimated at around 120 petagrams per year. However, new data suggests this figure could be as high as 157 petagrams annually.
This study leveraged advanced tracking technologies that overcame the limitations of traditional satellite data, allowing for more precise measurements of carbon dioxide movement. Notably, tropical rainforests have been found to be even more efficient in carbon absorption than previously believed, reaffirming the crucial role of natural carbon sequestration mechanisms in mitigating climate change.
As a result, the importance of forest conservation and renewable energy solutions is further emphasized in climate strategies. These findings provide invaluable insights for predicting future carbon absorption in different global warming scenarios, highlighting the need for updated climate models to ensure more accurate projections.
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